Serving the legal needs of Columbia & Middle Tennessee since 2011. Our service and client care is unmatched
If you are being investigated or you’ve been charged with a crime in Tennessee, you are almost certainly experiencing the same range of emotion that anyone else would feel when dealing with a similar situation. Fear, anxiety, anger, frustration and confusion are just a few of these common instincts, but your reaction to these feelings matter the most.
The best reaction is to hire a criminal defense lawyer. A good criminal defense lawyer has knowledge of the criminal justice system and can evaluate your case to tell you what you can expect. Furthermore, a good criminal defense lawyer may be able to decrease the charges or reduce the sentence.
If you are convicted, your sentencing will depend on the court’s determination of the severity of your crime. There are five classes of felonies, and with the most serious level of Class A felonies, you could face 15-60 years in prison, a life sentence, or even the death penalty. However, a conviction of a lower level of felony may result in much less jail time, or possibly probation. No matter the charge, a felony conviction is a serious matter that can substantially impact your life. If you or someone you know is facing a felony, call our Columbia, Tennessee office immediately!
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Fraud and White Collar Crimes · Sex Crimes · Appeals
Assault and Violent Crimes · Arson
Murder and Homicide
Our Philosophy
When legal disputes disrupt your business or personal life,
having a committed, knowledgeable attorney to advocate on your behalf
brings comfort and peace of mind.
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